Kamis, 05 September 2019

Daily Activity (English version)

Day Report!!

Greetings friend blogger, welcome back to my blogger, hopefully what you read can be useful for you all. Today I returned again after yesterday was less Fit so I could not enter the campus. this time I was assigned to be responsible for preparing the blessing friday for tomorrow because my friend entrusted me to handle the vegetable section and adjusted it to the ingredients that made me stir-fry.

more or less the picture as below. well right guys for the culinary management study program or who have changed their name to culinary arts every Friday to hold Friday blessings, where we make food leftover from yesterday's practice to be distributed to needy people. in addition to learning we are also taught to charity fellow human beings.

What does Blessing Friday or Mubarok Friday mean? In summary, Blessing Friday means that Friday is full of goodness and virtue. Friday is a special day to maximize worship or the goodness of goodness, such as alms which the reward is multiplied by Allah SWT.

Hari Jum’at adalah hari raya bagi umat Islam:

“Sesungguhnya hari ini adalah hari raya yang Allah jadikan untuk umat slam. Barangsiapa yang mendatangi (shalat) Jum’at maka hendaklah mandi, kalau mempunyai wewangian hendaknya dia pakai dan pergunakan siwak.” (HR. Ibnu Majah).

Diceritakan Abu Lubanah al-Badri, Rasulullah bersabda bahwa pemimpin seluruh hari dalam setiap minggu adalah hari Jumat. Menurut Rasulullah Saw, Jumat hari paling mulia di sisi Allah SWT bahkan lebih mulia dibandingkan Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha

Friday is a time that has many virtues, full of blessings and Allah SWT opens the door to the broadest possible apology. Therefore, on this blessing Friday, every Muslim competes in goodness, such as prayers, chanting, dhikr, to multiply prayers.

Tradaaaaaaaa, sauteed vegetables are ready to be eaten, hopefully a blessing, God willing. (Btw for today I just prepare the ingredients and then tomorrow it will be processed. More or less it will be like in the picture below !!! Thank you for your attention until we meet again next week.

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