Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

Daily Activity (English Version)

Day Report!!

Hello friend bloggers who have always been given favor by Allah, Thank you for visiting my blog, which is hopefully useful for you guys to consume. Today as usual we go back to the material that is to make Lapis Legit, before that as usual we were given direction first by Mr. Ichal as a lecturer in charge of the kitchen. Various explanations were given to us starting from how to make to getting out of the material. Pak ical is very kind, I hope that he will always be blessed with good fortune, our oneline picture is more or less like in the picture below.

Lapis legit is a multi-layered cake with a fragrant spice aroma. Well, first we prepare the ingredients in advance. Making the cake even though it is rather difficult but also needs a little patience because the cake must be baked layer by layer. Here we use a salamander for the layer grill. What is legit layer? Layer cake is a typical Indonesian food. This cake usually consists of two layers of color that overlap one another, golden yellow and brown. This cake is baked each layer before the top layer is added again and then with a variety of other toppings that make it taste delicious and can be served according to taste which will certainly taste delicious and give an extraordinary taste results. This is the first mixture from the legit layer that we will make.

Next we beat the egg whites which will also be mixed with the first batter and stirred using a pallet. Egg white is a white liquid (also called albumen or glair / glaire) contained in an egg. This liquid is found in fertilized eggs and unfertilized eggs. Egg white consists of 10% protein dissolved in water. The purpose of egg white is to protect the yolk and provide additional nutrients for embryo growth, because egg white is rich in protein and low in fat, which is the opposite of egg yolk, which contains high fat values. Egg white has many culinary and non-culinary uses.

Although egg whites are valued as a low-fat, high-protein food source, few people cannot eat egg whites. Egg allergy occurs more in babies than adults, and will resolve itself when the child is 5 years old. Food allergies in egg whites are more common than allergies to egg yolks

Leg layer cakes are best suited for snacks accompanied by warm fresh tea. Because there will be a mixture of flavors between sweet and bitter so that it is balanced. In addition, because it tastes good even better than Surabaya layer cakes, this cake is very suitable and is often used as a dish, Christmas, Chinese New Year or any event. That's all from me guys, see you on the next blog. Thank you. Thank you

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