Kamis, 07 November 2019

Daily Activities (English Version)

Day Report!!

Assalamualaikum, friend bloggers that I am proud of, see me again, Dinymoo, who will share stories with all of you. Since 3 days ago I was busy compiling titles and references for my final project later, well today I have conducted an experiment where the title that I have adopted is (Utilization of Jackfruit Seeds as a lateral ingredient in making Empek-Empek.

But unfortunately guys after I tried it turned out to be too ordinary and finally Pak ical and Pak Jaya gave me a solution to change the title to (UTILIZING NANGKA SEEDS AS A REPLACEMENT OF POTATOES IN MAKING NANGKA SEEDS). But it's ok guys, I'll talk a little bit about the issues! We can see in the picture below this picture of jackfruit seeds that I have washed.

Jackfruit seeds that I washed, then I boiled until finally guys! after soft peel the seeds remove the skin of the arari. then blender together with mackerel, garlic and onion. This boiled jackfruit seeds are very good friend sometimes I like to make it a snack in childhood as a friend

Jackfruit is a plant that belongs to the Moraceae tribe. Jackfruit is the name of a type of tree as well as its fruit. The scientific name Artocarpus heterophyllus and is believed to originate from the western Ghats region, India. In that area still found wild species that grow scattered in the rain forest there. Now jackfruit plants have spread widely in various regions of Southeast Asia.

Jackfruit seeds contain high fiber, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins A, B, and C, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium. Most people immediately discard jackfruit seeds after enjoying the fruit. In fact, jackfruit seeds can be consumed by boiling it or used as medicine to cure disease. Jackfruit seeds also contain phytronutrients such as isoflavones, saponins, and lignin which are antioxidants that can prevent cancer-causing free radicals.

Here are some of the benefits or benefits of jackfruit seeds for body health and treat several types of diseases see ya blogger friends.

Prevents anemia Jackfruit seeds contain iron which can produce red blood cells. By consuming jackfruit seeds, you will avoid anemia and improve the health of the heart organ, prevent skin diseases, blood flow and blood vessels.

Hair health content of vitamin A which is quite a lot in the jackfruit buji can nourish the eyes and prevent hair loss. And also can help blood circulation and improve the health of hair growth.

Increase Sex drive Jackfruit seeds in it contain a lot of nutrients and proteins that help the body to stay healthy, soften the skin. When you will have sex will feel excited.

Prevents constipation Constipation is a condition where we have difficulty defecating because there is less fiber in the food we eat. Jackfruit seeds have a lot of fiber that can prevent constipation and can also remove toxins from the body.

Overcoming skin diseases and stress The content of protein and micronutrients in jackfruit seeds is considered good for use as a skin therapy ingredients and is useful in keeping skin moist and also able to cope with stress

Fighting wrinkles By consuming jackfruit seeds can fight facial aging because of the high antioxidant content in it.

Inhibits cancer Jackfruit seeds apparently can inhibit colon cancer as a prebiotic because jackfruit seeds contain oligosaccharides and polysaccharides that cannot be digested by digestive enzymes. Jackfruit seeds can stimulate the growth of Lactobacillus bacteria according to the results of research conducted by Umi Kartika Safitri in the Department of Food Science and Technology, at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB. After the jackfruit seeds, I continue to prepare the ingredients for making the guys soft, more or less like in the picture below.

Pempek or soft rice is a typical Palembang food made from soft ground fish and starch (mistakenly commonly referred to as "sago flour"), as well as several other compositions such as eggs, mashed garlic, flavorings and salt. Actually it is difficult to say that the center's pempek confectionary is in Palembang because almost all regions in southern Sumatra produce it.

Pempek can be found very easily throughout Palembang City; some are selling in restaurants, some are on the side of the road, and some are shouldered. In the 1980s, vendors used to carry a basket full of pempek while walking around peddling their food.

Historically, pempek had existed in Palembang since the entry of Chinese migrants to Palembang, around the 16th century, when Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II was in power in the sultanate of Palembang - Darussalam. The name empek-pempek or pempek is believed to originate from the designation apek or pek-pek, which is a term for an old Chinese uncle or man.

Based on folklore, around 1617 a musty 65-year-old who lives in the Assembly area (the banks of the Musi River) was concerned to watch the abundant catch of fish in the Musi River that had not been fully utilized, only limited to fried and boiled. He then tried other processing alternatives. He mixes minced fish meat with tapioca flour, so that new food is produced. The new food is sold by the musty bikers around the city. Because the seller is called "pek ... musty", the food is finally known as empek-pempek or pempek.

However, this folklore deserves further study because the Portuguese introduced cassava to Indonesia in the 16th century, while the Chinese have inhabited Palembang at least since the Srivijaya period. Besides velocipede (bicycle) was only known in France and Germany in the 18th century. In the meantime Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin was born in 1767. Even so, it is very possible that pempek is an adaptation of Chinese food such as fish balls, fish cake or ngohiang.

At first pempek was made from belida fish meat. However, with the increasingly rare and expensive price of belida fish, the fish was then replaced with cork fish which was cheaper, but with a taste that was still tasty. So those are some short stories about the soft-boil and jackfruit seeds and what you see below are the results. Hopefully useful and see you on the next blog, friend. Culinary Greetings.

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