Rabu, 09 Oktober 2019

Daily Activities ( English Version)

Day Report!!

Hello friend bloggers, as usual, entered early this morning in the kitchen replacing the Hospitality Administration Study Program, which caused them to be punished by Mr.Ichal as the lecturer in charge of the kitchen.

But this morning Pak ical of the office was replaced by mam diamond His wife to direct us until the work procedure was finished. because they were prepared yesterday so today we just directly process according to the menu listed. Me and some colleagues took over Jalangkote '.

The definition and meaning of the word jalangkote in KBBI are snacks made from flour, filled with bean sprouts and noodles. Jalangkote has meaning in noun classes or nouns so that jalangkote can state the name of a person, place, or all objects and everything that is subjected.

Jalangkote is a typical Makassar culinary snack that looks like a cake. The difference is that the pastel has a thicker skin than jalangkote and when the pastel is eaten with cayenne pepper, jalangkote is eaten with liquid chili sauce with a mixture of vinegar and chilli Jalangkote has the contents of diced carrots and potatoes, bean sprouts, and laksa sauteed using garlic, onion spices, pepper, and other seasonings. 

Some jalangkote add a quarter or half boiled egg and minced meat to the contents. Jalangkote skin is made from flour, eggs, coconut milk, butter, and salt.

Besides Jalangkote, I also help my friends to make Green Banana Ice. Green Banana or Ice Green Banana, is a type of special food in South Sulawesi, especially in the city of Makassar, which is made from the main ingredient in the form of green banana.

 Green Banana is a banana wrapped in a green flour mixture and how to cook it by steaming in a cormorant. Colored flour is made from flour, water, green coloring or suji leaf water and pandan leaf water.

In ancient times, on the island of Sulawesi lived a very powerful king. The king besides being known to be in power is also known to be very cruel and sadistic.

 He led his kingdom with an iron fist and cold blood. No one dares to go against his command, if he dares then the punishment of flogging or beheading is in return.

This king has one habit, he apparently loves eating bananas. Every day, when he wakes up the king will look for bananas as the food he first ate. As a king he naturally had a personal cook, among the cooks there was a handsome man named Ijo. 

This man is a royal mainstay cook, actually he really does not like serving the king who is cruel and cruel, but he did not dare to fight

One day, Ijo was hit by a disaster. For some reason, that day the cooking suddenly became very unpleasant and nauseating. As a result, the king who was famous for being so furious finally decided the Ijo was dragged to the beheading. 

Only because it's really trivial, but that's the bad character of the king. Ijo tried to save his life, he racked his brain and looked for a way to be free from the king's punishment.

 Knowing that the king was very fond of bananas, Ijo offered the king a recipe made from bananas which he said would be able to make the king melt. Intrigued, the king gave half a day time to make the food in question.

Pisang Ijo who actually had no idea was confused, with all his feelings and hopes he succeeded in making a dish made of banana wrapped in a thin skin made from flour similar to an omelette with the addition of a fla-shaped sauce that tastes sweet.

 With a beating heart, Ijo offered his new food in the hope that the king liked it. Ijo's heartbeat simultaneously changed with a surge of excitement when unexpectedly the king really liked the food he created.

Because of his joy, the king then decided that the new food was called PISANG IJO and became the official food of the kingdom.

 Ijo also survived death. The most encouraging thing for Ijo and all the people of the kingdom is the fact that after that the king turned into a gentle king, apparently the IJO BANANA made with feeling and hope was able to captivate the king's heart, the softness of IJO's BANANA sauce softened the heart of the king previously hard and petrified.

 Since then, the kingdom has lived in peace and prosperity. IJO BANANA then became a royal special food and survives until now.

This is a fairytale story that I will tell to my children and grandchildren later, so the story is not real, my friend! Hehehe. After finishing I continue to take care of the hotel form that will be taken to the hotels as an order from the campus. thank you for faithfully reading, Wassalam

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