Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018

Celebes Buffet (IN ENGLISH)

Day Report !

      Hello everyone !! but i think your always very good 😊

         Bay the way ,welcome back to my blog and i hope you never get bored. Yes , today the lastday  i entered to kitchen in the week . And firstly we all oneline while Mr. Jaya expalin some the menu . This time i made Lawa Pakis   , i prepared to all ingridients and this is some a picture !!!

After it i process Lawa pakis , Firstly i blanch the vegetable . The procedure is boiled water and after you  and i toasted the coconut . 

      Okay guys and finally i platting the Gai Tod Takrai anf Yam Makeua Yo . Than i  break to pray zhuhur and  next i prepare ingridients for make Vegetable Tagliatelle . And the last i washed all the equipment that has been we use. Like a steward .hehehe !!


Yes guys thanks for the attention and see you to next my blog , i hope you like it . Wassalam 😊

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