Rabu, 23 Oktober 2019

Daily Activity (English Version)

Day Report!

Greetings friend bloggers meet again in my daily blog that may be useful for you to consume ,. this time we go into the material How to make Mille crepes with barongko topping by Kimochix Group. we should have seven permits, so there are five of us left.

for today we just prepared it tomorrow guys then we form and give toping and decorate it to make it look attractive. Seeing the layers that are so many, you might think how complicated and complicated it is to make this food. Either way, frankly that actually crossed my mind, until I postponed it and kept delaying trying it in Pete's kitchen.

For a long time, this recipe for mille crepes was perched in the draft folder of the JTT and every time my eyes stared at the title, the desire to carry out the execution was immediately stirred, but the lust suddenly extinguished when I read the process. I have not found the time and enthusiasm that is really maximal. To make this cake, both are needed.

This cake was quite trendy some time ago, and in Jakarta alone I had only tasted the tester in Gandaria City, it was indeed delicious. It's hard to buy a cake that is naturally expensive for my pocket. At that time what I thought was better for me to make it myself so that I could eat it until my stomach was bloated, rather than buying it for only a small slice at a high price. This is the mindset of people who are 'stout' like me, anything they want in large quantities and jumbo portions.

Sebenarnya tidak ada tantangan yang berat dalam membuat cake ini, cake terdiri dari crepes sejenis dadar tipis yang terbuat dari telur, susu cair dan tepung terigu, kemudian di setiap lapiasan crepes dilapisi dengan adonan krim pastry yang lembut. Proses membuat dadar inilah yang sepertinya memerlukan perjuangan agak panjang karena untuk menghasilkan satu buah cake maka anda memerlukan 20 lembar crepes.

What exactly is mille crepes cake? This cake is a classic cake from France consisting of 20 thin layers of crepes, each layer of crepes and then separated with a thin spread of French pastry cream. The word 'mille' means thousands which refer to the many layers of crepes that make up this cake. Therefore mille crepes are often also referred to as Thousand Layer Crepes Cake.

This cake is a dessert that characterizes Lady Mendl's Tea Salon in New York. Cake and pastry produced by Lady M. is famous not only because of its amazingly delicious taste but also because of its expertise in design. Mille crepes Lady M is composed of 20 sheets of super thin crepe, each layer separated by a soft pastry cream made from whipped cream.

The top surface of the cake is then sprinkled with sugar and baked to form caramel like during the process of making creme brulee (a custard-like dessert made from custard - egg mixture and milk - where the surface is covered by a layer of caramel.

The component of mille crepes consisting of crepes, pastry cream and whipped cream is actually not too special but it is how the three ingredients are formed and built that makes this cake special. So that when the fork is plugged into a slice of cake it feels like a shovel that cuts through a layer of snow. When eaten, the first taste is burning sugar and then layer by layer of sweet crepes as soft as satin.

Hmm, just reading the narration in the New York Times magazine made me drool. Well the original recipe of Lady Mendl's 20-Layer Crepe Cake from Lady Mendl's Tea Salon is of course kept secret and is a mystery to the devotees, but many later tried to make their respective versions including the ones I tried this time.

To make this cake you must first make the dough crepes first. The instructions in the original recipe of the egg should be beaten using a mixer until it is foamy and then the other ingredients are added and stirred evenly. Because I was lazy to take out the mixer, I put all the crepes ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Alright buddy, get here first. we will continue the next day

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