Kamis, 08 November 2018

Menu Ala carte

Day report 

        Hi friends welcome back  myblog , where I hope my blog is beneficial . today I was back in the kitchen earlier where the first we do that given the marerial by mr. ical before process and was told to go up one by one to explain the menu which we will be handled and the material about the size . We can see as in the picture below !!

       After completion i next to doing where I was assigned to help the main course due to a lot of friends who are unable to enter . Finally I am helping myfriend on the part of the Salmon with the upgrade Soufide the fish . With 45°C  for 15 minute . After soufide I clean some of the areas of work and further help your friends again in preparean ! To fish in soufide more or less the process initially as in the picture below !! 


      After the clean-up I set up a section that we will use in preparing food that we will remove it in a restaurant better than tools and other materials . But before receiving our guest for girl alternate Prayer with a guy. Kemidan we continued to receive guests ! 

Thank you for attention guys and see you next week  ! Wassalamualaikum .wr.wb 😊

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