Rabu, 21 Agustus 2019

Daily Activity (English Version)

Day Report!!

         Hello guys , welcome back to my blog again dont lazy to reading my blog yeah !! i would explain some story about my activity in kitchen Poltekpar Makassar .and i hoppped usefull for you all.



   Okay guys ! before we practic  as usually we must oneline fisrt and received materi about croissant and sour dough bread from Mr.ical. then we prepared to all ingridients croissant and sour dough bread with my group ( 3 person one group) me ,ainul, and miftah . i prepared ingridients for croissant and my friends prepared ingridients sour dough bread.


Sourdough bread is made by the frementation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast .Sourdough bread has a more sour taste and better inherent keeping qualities than breads made with baker's yeast,due to the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli.

In the Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Michael Gaenzle writes: "The origins of bread-making are so ancient that everything said about them must be pure speculation. One of the oldest sourdough breads dates from 3700 BCE and was excavated in Switzerland, but the origin of sourdough fermentation likely relates to the origin of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent several thousand years earlier ... Bread production relied on the use of sourdough as a leavening agent for most of human history; the use of baker's yeast as a leavening agent dates back less than 150 years

Croissants and other viennoiserie are made of a layered yeast - leavened dough. The dough is layered with butter, rolled and folded several times in succession, then rolled into a sheet, in a technique called laminating. The process results in a layered, flaky texture, similar to a puff pastry. oke guys that is all and thank you.




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